Category: Apple
How I Use Opal To Stay Focused With ADHD
Not all screen time is bad, and Opal helps me focus on things that matter while battling my ADHD-caused urges.
My iPhone Homescreen (2025)
What’s new on my iPhone Home Screen in 2025
My iPhone Homescreen (2022)
This series became a small tradition for me. I have been documenting what’s on my homescreen for the past three years (read the 2019, 2020, and 2021 installments). Every time, I’m surprised how much I changed my setup. It’s not different this year. But first — a hardware update. I finally switched from iPhone X to iPhone 13 Pro — and I love…
Focus is the best new feature in iOS 15 — here’s how I use it
Under public pressure, companies like Apple have been introducing new features into their products to help us maintain digital wellbeing. In iOS 12, we got Screen Time, Downtime, and App Limits. Those features were intended to make us more aware of the time we spend using specific apps. They didn’t really tackle the biggest source of…
Sony Is Making The Best TVs For Apple Users And I Got One
I never cared too much about owning a TV. When I moved out from my parents’ place, I took their old 37″ LCD TV that I used for Spotify together with the original Chromecast. After getting a dedicated Bluetooth speaker, I no longer needed the TV, so I sold it. Fast forward a few years,…
My iPhone Homescreen (2021)
Oh boy, 2020 was a year. I remember thinking back in March that “it will last a few months, and then everything will be back to normal.” Yeah, right. But, on a positive note, Apple had a fantastic year, and the pandemic did well for them. Not only did we get four well-produced events in…
My Must-Have macOS Utilities in 2020
Currently, I cannot imagine using a different desktop system than macOS. Not only is it more reliable than Windows for the creative kind of work I do, but also, there are plenty of tools that are exclusive to the platform. Among many of them, I use Sketch, Pixelmator Pro, and Final Cut Pro. Besides those…
My iPhone Homescreen (2020)
Surprisingly, my iPhone’s Homescreen has changed a lot since last year. I’m still very much into the idea of having only the essential apps on the main page and keeping the rest of them in folders on the second screen, but the selection of the apps that I have on the first one changed a lot.…
Apple Music, revisited
There is no doubt that Spotify is the platform when it comes to streaming music. Any other service just can’t compete with more than 180 million monthly active users (from which 83 million are Premium subscribers). I myself started using it as soon as it was available in Poland, so beginning of 2013. It completely changed the…
MacBook Air (2018) — The deserved upgrade
I started my journey with Apple just 2.5 years ago with buying a 2015 MacBook Air. I had to buy a new computer, and after spending some time with an iMac at my work, I knew I had to get a Mac. And for less than €999, the Air was really the only option I…
My iPhone Homescreen (2019)
Inspired by M.G. Siegler I used to be more than crazy when it comes to organizing my phone’s homescreen. It all started when I was using an Android phone, and I had control over every little detail of the app launcher. Getting into Apple’s garden meant being restricted to 4×6 icons grid, four icons in the…
HomePod is great. Don’t buy it.
My story behind buying a HomePod is very similar to the one about how I got my first smartwatch — the LG G Watch. Back in 2014, I was a huge Google nerd. I was just waiting for Google to release a watch version of Android OS. That finally happened and allowed manufacturers to compete with Pebble…